A one time investment plan should be chosen after being aware of its advantages and disadvantages. In the blog, we learn how to choose the better one-time investments with big returns. We are also learning about the advantages and disadvantages of a one-time investment.
What is a One Time Investment Plan?
- A one time investment is a type of investment where a group of sum amounts is invested in a particular thing for a specific time.
- As a developer, if one has an essential amount of cash with high risk, suffering they can invest in an investment plan.
Significance of One Time Investment Plans:
- One time investments guide the investor to develop a steady flow process of income through markets.
- One time investments are usually considering small level risk and high yield levels, suitable for customers with a low-risk desire.
- Short term goals and wants are fed better with the guidance of one time investments. Retirement age people will benefit the most from such things. They will generate the best collection for their gold times.
- Financial market also grows with a one time investment plan. The flow process of cash in the market will increase with different collections working towards up growth.
- Combining your amount in a growth related direction will develop your possibility of developing future investments.
- In addition, the sense of the market you gain from no risk investments will be used to invest in stocks in the future.
Benefits of One – Time Investment:
- Short-term returns are made easily possible with one time investments. In This way, the developer will bring in benefits for the future season and fulfill financial authorities fastly.
- Keeping a close eye on your cash is possible through a one time investment. In addition, the lack of returning amounts makes it very easier for customers to know quickly how much they can get at the planning maturity.
- One time investment plan is very easy compared to old investment methods. This makes the developer focused on other important places of their lives rather than about fretting normal payments.
- Before you start the investment method, the best results will be. While you are not mature, try to invest in a suitable one-time investment plan. This will help you secure your future years against financial loads.
Limitations of One – Time Investment :
- One of the tricks of a one – time investment plan is the worst discipline investment. In addition, you will spend all your savings and money on investment at one time. It can lead to future financial stresses, and output in future financial munches.
- A one time investment is not suitable for all types of investment methods. Customers looking for low-term earnings through low-risk methods could not benefit a lot.
- One time investments create returns over a long time. Over this period of time, the market will vary, and returns will diminish significantly. There is no method of knowing the good performance of a stock investment over 15-20 years.
- Customers do not associate one time investments with big returns as they are basically low-risk and low-return methods.
- The small favor of one time investments in youngsters is evidence from the real that people are still not preferring these plans.
Best One Time Investment Plan Options:
Debt Funds:
- Debt funds are pooled funds of multiple investors and invested in bonds, government securities, treasury bills etc. When investing in debt funds, the value of the investment decreases as interest rates rise. As interest rates fall, the value of the investment rises.
- The best way to reduce risk is to invest less money regularly. This low-money, low-risk method is especially suitable for salaried employees. Therefore, investing in debt funds with a small amount every month will give you high returns with low risk.
Equity Funds:
- Equity funds are a mutual fund scheme that invests a major portion of the investment in the stocks of companies. That is also known as growth funds.
- Equity funds can be either active or passive; That is, in an active fund, a fund manager monitors the market, analyses the performance of companies, and selects the best stocks to invest in. In a passive fund, the fund manager constructs a portfolio that mirrors a popular market index such as the Sensex or the Nifty 50.
- Thus, equity funds invest in shares of companies. These offer the common investor the benefit of professional management and diversification.
Liquid Funds:
- Liquid funds are generally mutual funds that invest in short-term securities. That means investing in government securities.
- In particular, investments are made in government bonds, treasury bills, commercial papers, etc. No lock-in period of time for liquid funds.
- So you can get your money back within 24 hours. Also these funds have no entry and exit charges.
Gold ETFs:
- Gold ETF (Gold Fund) is one type of mutual fund scheme. One unit represents one gram of gold. About 90% of the funds raised in gold ETFs are bought in gold. When a new Gold ETF scheme is introduced, the one- time investment plan must be made through a mutual fund company.
- After the issue period, these units will be listed on stock exchanges like shares. Gold ETFs can then be bought and sold through the stock markets.
- Investments made in gold have remained safe in times of international economic crisis and crisis. During that period, gold has protected best investors from losses as large as corporate equity investments.
Public Provident Fund:
- PPF or Public Provident Fund is a savings scheme provided by the Government of India. The Government of India has this PPF scheme to benefit individuals just like they have schemes like PF for permanent employees.
- In this account, interest is fixed every quarter and the interest amount is paid to our account by the Government of India.
- The main objective of this scheme is to help all individuals to save. PPF scheme is a high-interest paying scheme. The interest income earned from this scheme is also tax-deductible.
- In conclusion, a one time investment plan will be your answer to financial sorrow if done perfectly after careful structure.
- With the help of the investment mentioned above, make sure to keep in mind your future necessity, and investment goals.